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Startup Studio for real estate - SWITCH, tech enabled workspace

Hey people. Welcome!!!  I found interesting business news on the net and thought to share with you guys. It's all about the startup studio for the real estates. It is introduced by former WeWork China exec, Dominic Penaloza. Wait!!! What is a startup studio?  Startup studio is a company that aims at building several companies in succession. It is also known as a  startup factory , or a  startup foundry , or a  venture studio.  For example,  T9L  in India is a startup studio which partners with the selected founders of the startup and brings the ideas forward.  Check T9L website: Startup Studio for real estate The world is going digital. Future is digital. Real estate is not an exception.  The real estate industry is also adopting technology like the other sectors.  When  Dominic Penaloza left his job at WeWork China as the head of innovation and technology, he planned for the new idea. Instead of building a startup himself or investing in one, Penaloza combines bo

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